Muscle Damage

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Definition - What does Muscle Damage mean?

Muscle damage refers to a number of different conditions involving injury to the muscle tissue of the body. Muscles are part of the musculoskeletal system and are responsible for controlling the body's movement. The primary causes of muscle damage or injury include strains, bruises, detachment injuries, soreness, exercise-induced damage, or muscular diseases.

Damage to a person's muscles can take the form of torn fibers within the muscle or its connective tissue. Blood vessels or nerves endings in a muscle can also be damaged, causing pain or bruising to occur. Some of the symptoms of muscle damage include swelling, redness, pain, or weakness or immobility of the affected body part.

Muscle damage may also be called muscle injury.

SureHire explains Muscle Damage

Muscle damage or injury, other than those caused by disease, are common among athletes and workers engaged in physically strenuous tasks. Muscle bruises or contusions occur when the tissue is hit by a hard object. This type of damage might be observed in athletes engaged in contact sports or someone who has been in an on the job accident.

Strains, detachments and exercise induced damage can occur when a muscle is pulled beyond its limits. This can cause the tissue of the muscle or the tendons attaching it to the skeletal system to stretch or tear. For instance, a person might strain their back muscles by failing to assume the correct posture before attempting to lift a heavy object. Sometimes, excessive exercise or repetitive tasks can overwork a muscle causing the tissue to weaken, resulting in soreness or strain.

Overreaching, repetitive actions, and awkward postures can all lead to on the job muscle damage.

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